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Английский язык

посчитайте пж даю 28 поинтов1. Did you watch _______ interesting on TV yesterday? *nothingeverythingsomethinganything2. I'd like to do _____ exciting today. *somethinganythingeverythingnothing3. Mike understood ______ because of the noise. *everythingsomethingnothingeverthing4. ______ wants to do the project with Mary. Will you help? *anybodyeverybodysomebodynobody5. We usually have ____ rain in summer. *fewlittle6. There are ____interesting films on TV tday. *fewlittle7. There is ____ tea in the cup. *fewlittle8. There is ____ ice on the roads. *fewlittle9. There are ___ columns in the palace. *fewlittle10. There are ___ palms on the beach. *hightall11. We can see stars ____ in the sky. *hightall12. The Ural Mountains are not very _____ *hightall13. I like to _____ to singing of the birds. *listenhear14. My granny is 83 and she can't ____ very well. *listenhear15. Be quiet, please. We are ____ to the news. listeninghearing

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посчитайте надо составить п

Complete the sentences with the

пж, посчитайте даю много поинт

30 поинтов Завершите пр

* 6 Make comparisons, as in the

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