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Английский язык

Homework Read and answer the questions, Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, , 1 Where is Nurata? 2 What are its special features? 3 What can tourists see in Nurata? A small town Nurata is not far from the Nurata Mountains, 200 km from Samarkand. There are a lot of legends (nerenga) about how people started living there. According to one legend, a meteorite of clear water appeared (NORJATECA) at that place. People gave it the name "Chashma" and built a town there. The water in this spring is special. Its temperature is always 19,5 C. There are a lot of minerals (Muhepan), gold (30NOTO) and silver (cepeбро) in the water. In addition, the spring is home for wonderful fish marinka It is unusual (HeO6wHb) fish and people do not eat it. Nurata has only 25 thousand people and they know each other (Apyr apyra) They are very kind and friendly. A lot of tourists from different countries visit this place. It has a surprising landscape (na dwat neizax): the Kyzylkum Desert and mountains. ​

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1)Nurata is not far from the Nurata Mountains, 200 km from Samarkand.

2)The water in this spring is special. Its temperature is always 19,5 C. There are a lot of minerals (Muhepan), gold (30NOTO) and silver (cepeбро) in the water. In addition, the spring is home for wonderful fish marinka It is unusual (HeO6wHb) fish and people do not eat it.

3)It has a surprising landscape (na dwat neizax): the Kyzylkum Desert and mountains.

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