Задайте вопрос
Английский язык

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ответы: 1
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Task A

You always lose something

She goes to the pool three times a week.

My father repaired the car yesterday.

You wrote an essay last week.

He will watch TV tomorrow morning.

She will paint the house tomorrow.

Task B (написать в вопросительной форме)

Do you always lose something?

Does she go to the pool three times a week?

Did my father repair the car yesterday?

Did you write an essay last week?

Will he watch TV tomorrow morning?

Will she paint the house tomorrow?

Task C (Написать в отрицательной форме)

You always don't lose something

She doesn't go to the pool three times a week

My father didn't tepair the car yesterday

You didn't write an essay last week

He will not watch TV tomorrow morning

She will not paint the house tomorrow

Чтобы ответить необходимо зарегистрироваться.

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