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Английский язык

III. the questions (2-3 sentences) 26. What’s your name? How old are you? 27. Tell about your best friend. 28. Who’s your favourite singer? Where is he/ she from? 29. Tell about your fa Answer vourite sport? 30. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What the weather like today? ​

ответы: 1
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26. My name is (пишите имя). I am (число сколько лет) years old. 27. My best friend is (пишите имя лучшего друга/подруги). 28. My favorite singer is (имя любимого певца/певицы) She(или he) is from (пишите из какой он/а страны). 29. My favorite kind of sport is(пишите любимый вид спорта). 30. Today is eighth of September. It’s Wednesday. Today is sunny.
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