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3. Match the words below with the correct sentences. cheese; ham; apples; lemons; potatoes; tuna; tomatoes;1 This fruit is usually green, red or yellow. ________________2 We use these vegetables to make chips. ________________3 We often use this fish in salads. _________________4 There's a lot of this dairy product on pizzas. _____________5 They're red and we use them in salads. _____________6 We often use this meat in sandwiches. _____________7 A yellow fruit, similar to oranges. _____________4. Underline the wrong word in each group. 1 dairy products: cheese / milk / lamb2 farm animals: cows / rice / sheep3 animal products: butter / lamb / cabbage4 processed food: bananas / burgers / sausages5 healthy food: fish / snacks / vegetables6 human body: beef / knee / shoulder

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1 - apples

2 - potatoes

3 - tuna

4 - cheese

5 - tomatoes

6 - ham

7 - lemons


1 - lamb (баранина)

2 - rice (рис)

3 - cabbage (капуста)

4 - bananas (бананы)

5 - snacks (закуски)

6 - beef (говядина)

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