Задайте вопрос
Английский язык

составьте 16 предложений present simple. ​

ответы: 1
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1. I play football

2. I go to my grandmother

3. He is the teacher

4. She has a lot of money

5. I love my mother because she is very kindly

6. They go to the supermarket

7. I have a little brother

8. I must go to school

9. She mustn t plays with he

10. I like wash the dishers

11. He play volleyball because he like it

12. I must do my homework

13. She is very bad girl

14. We all deserve to die

15. They go to kindergarden

16. I look for my arms

17. Nina lives in SP

18. She like working,because she is very obedient

19. He play football and basketball

20. You must wash your arms

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Другие вопросы: - Английский язык

I. Put do, don't, does or doesn'

посчитайте пж по английскому

посчитайте пж по английскому

Complete the senteces with the v

посчитайте ДАМ 25 поинтов ​

9. Match the phrases on the left

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