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Английский язык

6 10. 5. 2 Fill in: strain, loss, thumb, swelling,rash, infection, shoulder, upset, immune,insomnia, watery, sickness. 1 We need a healthysystemto fight off infections. 2 Thewent down after he put anice-pack on the injury. 3 My mum gets terrible travelso she rarely goes anywhere. 4 Gulnara getseyes and a runnynose because of her hay fever. 5 We should take regular breaks from thecomputer screen to prevent eye6 Roland got astrain playingtennis last week; now he can't move his arm. 7 My uncle suffered hearingbecause he worked with loud machinery. 8 I got an itchyon the side of myface after I borrowed my friend's mobile phone. 9 She's not getting enough sleep because she has10 The cut from that rusty nail gave me a skin11 He had a terriblestomach afterhe ate curry last night. 12 Sending a lot of SMS messages can causearthritis.

ответы: 1
Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы добавить ответ
1) immune
2) swelling
3) strain
4) watery
5) loss
6) shoulder
7) sickness
8) rash
9) insomnia
10) infection
11) upset
12) thumb
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