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Английский язык

match the two columns. then use expressions to complete the dialogue 1. global 2. so 3. according 4. big 5. hopeless 6. for 7. cool a. case b. starters c. warming d. off e. to f. deal g. what 1. A: I'll try to make Eric change his mind and come with us. B: I don't think you'll be able to convince him. He's a ________ 2. A:why don't you like Ross? B:there are many reasons _____, he is selfish and thinks about no one else but himself. 3. A: I can't believe i forgot Ricky's birthday B: I don't see what the ____ is. You can always call and wish him a happy birthday tomorrow. 4. A: i didn't do well in my math exam B: _____ I you'll study hard and do well next time 5. A: do you think ____ is a seriously problem? B: of course ____ scientists the earth's climate is getting warmer and warmer 6. A: it's hot in here B: you're right. Let's go outside to ______​

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Решение #

Victoria Powell
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