Задайте вопрос
Samuel Hernandez

Talk to your peer. Use the following questions, in the order given below, to develop theconversation. Card 1. "Values"Goal 1. Tell about your best friend. (What is his/her name, age?)2. What character qualities does he/she have?3. What do you usually do together?4. Why do you value your friendship?Card 2. 1. What job do you like most? 2. What qualities do we need to do this job? 3. What are the difficulties of this job? 4. What are advantages anddisadvantages of this job?​

ответы: 1
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the only thing I can get the only thing I can get a chance to travel and tourism travel to the only way we can get a chance for me to travel to the next few days ago to me and I can send it to travel to

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