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Английский язык

2. Choose the correct answer. 1) In summer the nights are(short / shorter) than in winter. 2) His bedroom is(small / the smallest) room in the flat. 3) My brother is(young / younger) than my sister. 4) Her presentation was(long / longer) than his report. 5) Olga is as(pretty / prettier) as Kate. 6) This car is(fast / the fastest). 7) This season of the year is(good / the best). 8) This film is(more interesting / interesting) than the play. 9) Their TV set is(the most modern / more modern) than our one. 10) Our country cottage is(beautiful / more beautiful) than our friend'shouse.

ответы: 1
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1 shorter 2 the smallest 3 younger 4 longer 5 pretty 6 fast 7 the best 8 more comfortable 9 - 10 messy

Mary Simon
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