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Английский язык
Half Moon Bay

2. Change Present Continuous into Present PerfectДАЮ 30 поинтов1. The pupils are writing a dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem. 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10. You are putting the dishes on the table. 11. They are having tea. 12. She is taking the dirty plates from the table. 13. The children are putting on their coats. 14. Susan is making a new dress for her birthday party. 15. She is opening a box of chocolates. 16. I am buying milk for milk shakes.

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