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Английский язык

Look through the text "English-speaking Countries” (your Student's Book, Lesson 7, exercise 23) and correct the following sentences. Example: It's been a day since Helen saw Diana. Oh, no, it hasn't. It's been a long time since Helen saw Diana. 1) Diana saw Helen in the theatre last. 2) English is not popular nowadays. 3) People in very few countries learn English as a foreign language these days. 4) English became an international language in the 18th century. 5) English is a native language in all the countries of the world. 6) English-speaking countries are those, where people speak English as a foreign language. 7) Americans and the English speak different languages. Конец текста:Children go to school in the fall in America but in autumn in England. Diana: That's very interesting indeed. ​

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