B. Directions: Check in the proper column and classify it of what the method of heat transfer in each of thefollowing situations. CONDUCTION CONVECTION RADIATIONExample:You are stirring a bowl of hot soup with ametal spoon. The spoon starts to feelwarmer. Start here:1. You buy a lava lamp from the store. As thelamp heats up, blobs of liquid rise to the topthen sink back down to the bottom. 2. You are doing your homework at a deskthat is underneath a lamp. You start to feelhotter from the lamp. 3. Your best friend has a bunk bed. You movefrom the bottom bunk to the top bunk andnotice that the air is warmer. 4. You are roasting marshmallows atcampfire. The metal skewer (stick) thatyou're cooking your marshmallow on burnsyour handa have hew