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Твір: Where to live: in a village or in a city?130 слів приблизно, не менше​

ответы: 1
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In my opinion, cities, despite such disadvantages as noise, fuss, dirty air, are preferred by the younger generation. After all, in addition to negative traits, they are a storehouse of opportunities and prospects. In cities, people develop stronger both spiritually and culturally. after all, in the modern world it is very important to have a good education and develop culturally. libraries, theaters, cinemas, shopping centers will not be found in the villages. But everything has a flip side of the coin, and, as I have already said, the most important drawback of cities is an increased risk of diseases. The Internet, products stuffed with chemicals, a passive lifestyle, eternal stress - negatively affect human health. And in our time, this is perhaps the main value. This is where the advantage of the countryside lies: fresh air, natural products. and in the villages, the way of life is such that you will not have to sit idle. but a person has a windy nature and all these charms can quickly get bored.

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