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Английский язык

right replies che r: Thank you, Victor. I think I can give y oday. or: a) Not too bad. b) May I take my seat now? c) I'm positive about it. he r: You don't look well today, Nina. What's a: a) I haven't got my book with me today. b) I'm afraid I don't feel well today. c) May I change my seat? I can't see well fror eh e r: Please spell these words, Anna. a: a) How do you spell the words? b) Could you write them up on the blackboar c) Shall I go to the blackboard? h e r: Please remember this word. r: a) Shall we write it down? b) How do you say it in English? c) What do we have to do next? h e r: Why did you miss the class, Jane? a) I'm sorry, I'm late. b) I was unwell. c) I'm afraid I don't feel well today. r (~ 30 words) to your pen friend. Tell him/her wh why you like it. lar] - реплика​

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1 – b, 2 – b, 3 – c, 4 – a, 5 – b.

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