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Английский язык

ДАМ 50 поинтов Fill in ‘the’ where necessary. 1…. The… largest volcano in ……. World is Mauna Loa in …… Hawaii. 2. …. . Earth is 3. 68 times bigger than …. . Moon. 3. It snowed in ……. Sahara desert on February 18, 1979. 4. More than half …… population of Kenya is under …. . age of 15. 5. Cleopatra wasn’t ……. . Egyptian, she was …… Greek. 6. The are ten towns named …. . Hollywood in …. . USA. 7. The filming of Titanic more than …… Titanic itself. 8. ……. Europe is the only continent without a desert. 9. ……. Venus is …… hottest planet in our solar system. ​

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