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ответы: 1
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she hasn't drawn the picture today

has she drawn the picture today

Jake hasn't already brought a hat for his tricks

has Jake already brought a hat for his tricks

the pupils are not working in the garden now

are the pupils working in the garden

My friend hasn't just visited children at the local hospital

has my friend just visited children at the local hospital

They are not watching the animals in London zoo

Are they watching the animals in London zoo

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Другие вопросы: - Биология

По ключевым словам и словосочета

5. Перечень событий (процессов)

Чему равен коэффициент жёсткости

5. Сделайте краткую запись кзада

посчитайте ПРОШУУдан целочисленн

IV Fill in the gaps with the app

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