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Английский язык
Nicholas Aguilar

посчитайте дам 35 Поинтов . Складіть заперечні і питальні речення 1. They bought a few books last month. 2. My friend likes our big city. 3. He got married last year. 4. Little children eat candies very often. 5. The student are reading the text now. 6. I was in London last year. ​

ответы: 1
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1. Did they buy a few books. . . ?

They didn't buy a few. . .

2. Does my friend like big city?

My friend doesn't like our big city

3. Did he get marry last year?

He didn't get marry. .

4. Do little children eat candies. . . ?

Little children don't eat. . .

5. Are the students reading the text now?

The students aren't reading the text now

6. Did I be in London last year?

I didn't be in London last year.

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