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1 *Match the words to form phrases. Use them to complete the sentences. 3 A а 2 B: 1 3 4 overcrowded industrial coalmining power working steam by standard of machines b housing c conditions d industry e engine f hand g living h revolution 5 6 A B: N 7 t 8 A: 3 B: GO SR A: B: B: Y 1 The began in England in the 18th century. Lots of factories opened with new machines. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the 1850s were very difficult. They were unhealthy and wages were low. 3 James Watt invented the in the 1760s. Then engineers used it to . . . . . . . . . . . in factories 4 The grew quickly in the 19" century because steamboats and trains needed coal to make steam. 5 The things factories produced gave people a better . . . , 6 Before the 18" century, people didn't work with machines. They worked 7 In 1850, many people lived in cities in poor,​

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