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Английский язык

1 Read Part I of "A Christmas carol" in your Student's Book again and do the crossword. 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Across: 2. Bob Cratchit had an old . . . coat. 4. Scrooge's nephew was a . . . man. 6. Scrooge was very angry and his voice was . . . . 7. Jacob Marley's ghost was wearing long . . . chains. 8. Fred invited his uncle for Christmas . . . 10. Scrooge saw a ghost in his . . . . 12. Scrooge was very rich but not . . . . He never gave money to poor people. ​

ответы: 1
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:across 2. thin,4. cheerful,6. trembling,7. heavy,8 dinner,10. bedroom,12. Не знаю сама.

Down:1. confused,3. selfish,5. frowned,8. dark,9. rubbed,11. mean

Чтобы ответить необходимо зарегистрироваться.

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