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Английский язык

план, супер ОООО (На английском)Gileno Vieira da Rocha is a Brazilian engineer. He helps to build roads inthe Amazon rainforest. Last year he was in the forest, 300 miles from thenearest big town. When he finished work one day, he decided to walk backto the camp, ten kilometres away. His workmates walked along the usualpath. But Gileno decided to take a уперshortcut. He walked across a field, andinto the jungle. But he got lost. He couldn't see any other people and hecouldn't return to his workmates. He continued to walk through the trees. He climbed over tree trunks and crawled under bushes. At night he restedin a tree or on the ground. After a few days he was very hungry, but hecouldn't find any fruit or animals to eat. So he decided to catch bees andflies for food Finally, after twelve days, he arrived at a river and started towalk along it. There were people by the river and they helped him. Gilenoalmost died, but he finally arrived home safely. He was a very lucky man ​

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