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Английский язык
Daily City

1.      Franco … to the cinema after the lesson. a ) did go                 b) went                c) wanted d) was e) had Mary’s  English is … than her German. gooder            b) better           c) the best d) good e) best3. We … a new TV set today. a ) have bought b) have buy c) had bought d) had buy c) boughtThe Thames is not as … as the Enisey. longer              b) long            c) the longest d) longest e) the longer5. What … you going to do tomorrow evening?a) did b) was c) are d) can e) have6. … you bring dictionary yesterday?a) did b) are c) was d) has e) have7. My sister left university five years …a) ago b) since c) already d) yet e) just 8. moon goes round … sun. A )the, the             b) the, a                c) a, the d) an,the e) a, an9. This … was the smallest among the … living there. a) mouse,mouses b) mice, mouse c) mouse,mice d) mice , mice e) mouses , mouses 10. I … three girls this morning. a) have see b) had see c) have seen d) had seen e) have seeing11. We can see an English film … Thursday night. a) in b) on c) of d) with e) at12. I …not … my homework yet. a) have … done        b) has … done     c) did … do d) has do e) have not do 13.   Could you … the dictionary ?a) passing b) pass me c) to pass d) pass e) me pass14. I am very keen … music. a) of b) on c) at d) in e) by 15. My … brother works in Almaty. a) big b) elder c) more older d) bigger e) the biggest16. When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner. came, had cooked        b)  had come, cooked         c) came, cooked   d) comes, has cooked e) come, have cooked      17.   Ann (to tell) me that she (to see) an interesting film. had told, saw          b) told, saw          c) told, had seen  d) have told,see e) tell, has told        18.  I am going there … plane. a) with b) on c) by d) in e) at 19. We go in for sports to keep …a) fit b) safe c) money d) walking e) safety20. I … English now. a) am learning b) learn c) will learn d) learns e) learning​

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с ,d d a c a d cd a c a c b c d a c d c вот можно ❤️ пжпж я очень старалась

Debra Henderson
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