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Listening Task 1. Listen to six people talking about sport they like. Match each speaker with the reason he or she likes the kind of exercises. 1. Speaker 1 [1] 2. Speaker 2 [1] 3. Speaker 3 [1] 4. Speaker 4 [1] 5. Speaker 5 [1] 6. Speaker 6 [1] A) There are friendly people who go there, so it's a good place to meet people. B) It's a great way to keep fit. It's better than going to a health club. C) There's hardly anyone there and you can listen to the ocean as you do it. D) It's a good exercise because you have to walk a lot. E) It's really fun But, it's not as easy as it looks. F) I have no trouble to finding somewhere to play. G) It's the best activity to be in shape. Total​

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