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Английский язык
Michel Alexandre

Составьте текст про любимый и не любьимый предмет в школе. Буквально 5-7 предложений на англ.

ответы: 1
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There are a lot of subjects in our school. Some are more interesting to me than others. English is one of my favorite subjects. Learning new languages is what i wanna do in my spare time and English lessons help me with this. Another subject that i'm interested in is Literature. I am fond of reading. However, there are some subjects that i don't enjoy. Math is one of them. Frankly, I don't understand much. My head hurts because of this. Chemistry is not bad for some but for me it's a living hell. I wish i understood it well enough to pass our tests. To sum everything up i would like to say that i would rather sit through six English lessons than one Math.

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