1. I hope, we won't miss the bus.
2. In 3 (three) days it will be Christmas
3. What are you going to do during spring break ?
-- I think, I'll be preparing to entrance exams
4. Are you going to ivite your cousin to the anniversary?
-- I'm afraid, she won't come. She is on a business trip abroad now, and she's going to back next week.
5. It's a hot day today. would you like ice cream ?
6. Do you know, which professions will be demand in the future ?
-- I assume, the popular professions will be associate with space research.
7. Look out ! you will break the vase now !
8. Promise to me that you will consult a lawyer first, and after this you'll make the final decision.
9. when are they going to order the tickets ?
10. I'm afraid, we won't finish our the work on time.
-- Don't bother, I'll help you.