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посчитайте с ин язом))))1. Match the words and translate the word combinations into Russian. (Coorueewre слова и переведите на русский получиеся словосочетании) the mass to broadcast of channels. radio entertainment a wide range an intellectual a high-grade game programmers and news tabloid a popular media station It. Find the synonyms. I word is extra. (Haigure canonnta. I caono aumnce) to transmit to look for to leave on a soap opera to be on a long serial to broadcast to cater for to be for to search to turn on III. Make the sentences with the reported speech. (Напишите данные предложения в косвенной речи) 1) Jane "I like intellectual games and documentaries". Jane said 2) Ben "If there is nothing good on I'll go online". Ben thought 3) Susan "We will prepare a report about the most popular writers of the last times". Susan added 4) Robert "I am going to the cinema on this Friday". Robert said

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