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Английский язык
Tina Wallace

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав егоиз выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние. A Soccer TrainingMorgan is good at soccer. Her younger sister Emily asks Morgan to teach her. The sisters goout to practice in their yard. Morgan is very]; she wants to do her best trainingEmily. "First, we can pass the ball to each other," Morgan begins. Emilyat herattentively. Morgan drops the ball on the soft, green grass. She lifts her right foot and kicksthe ball towards Emily. It flies past Emily, and the next moment sheit in theirneighbour's front yard. "You kicked it too hard " Emily shouts. Morgan smiles andsorry. She runs into the yard to get the ball back. "Okay, I'll try again," Morganshouts. This time, she kicks it more softly. Her foot pushes it straight to Emily. "It's I'm afraid I could never play like you " Emily exclaims. difficulteasyexcitedlookssaysseesspeaks​

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