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посчитайте дам 35 поинтов(1) Fill in "a", "an", "the" or "-" where necessary. 1. I made new friends on first day of school. 2. She is eating . . . delicious apple3. A year or two later he learnt to play …violin and to speak . . . French. 4 She sat down on … bed and started crying. 5. I eat … breakfast at 6 am. 6. Anna is leaving at 7 in … evening. 7. Less than… hour later, Destiny woke up and took a shower. 8. The only thing you want to watch … TV is football. It's annoying 9. Hank took … umbrella with him because it was raining. 10. My husband is driving … my car today. 11 Cynthia is . . . best teacher in our school. Everybody loves her. 12. The neighbours' dog dug … hole in … ground yesterday. 13 Monique's mum asked her to buy … rice and … big water bottle. 14 . . . pandas and … tigers are endangered species. 15. I went to . . . cinema with Andrew on … Friday. (2) Circle the correct option. I. I met her at a / an / the / - Logan Airport at six. 2. We ate lunch with a / an / the / - Jacksons this weekend. 3. Thomas' family lives in a / an / the / - country. 4. Shall we go to a / an / the / - McDonald's after classes?5 How about going to a / an / the / - Baltic Sea on holidays?6. He came back very late at a / an / the / - night. 7. We had a / an / the / - snow in May this year. 8. Adam went to a / an / the / - jail because he stole some cars. 9. I want to enter a / an / the / - university in the future10. A / An / The / - Lake Erie is a popular fishing spot. (3)Fill in the gaps with "a", "an", "the" or "_". Dear Ania,I am l) … 15 year old girl from 2) … London. It is 3)… capital of 4)…United Kingdom. As you may know, 5)… River Thames flows through 6) … city. I live in 7) … family house in 8) … Rose Street. It is in 9) … quietneighbourhood in 10) … suburbs. I have 11) … puppy named Charlie and we often play in 12) … garden in 13) … afternoon. My mum is 14) … English professor at 15) … university. My dad works at 16) … Heathrow Airport and yoes to work by 17) … car. I have 18) … older sister, Mary, who goes to 19) …… high school. I am interested in 20) … music. 21). . . books and taking 22) … photographs. I like spending time with my 23) . . . family on 24) … weekends. We usually eat 25) . . . dinner together and watch 26) . . . movies 27) on … DVD later. It is 28) … really fun thing to do Can you tell me something about 29) … Poland? Do you like 30) … Britishfood? I am looking forward to your reply,Hannah

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