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Английский язык

Module 7 “Leisure Activities” 1. Match the opposites 1 quiet A stressed 2 relaxed B clean 3 wealthy C poor 4 miserable D crowded 5 polluted E happy 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 11. Where ____you ____ last night? A) do, go B) are, going C) did go 12. How many books ____ she ____? A) did, bought B) does, buys С) did, buy 13. Tom and I _____ to Paris list night. A) went B) go C) are going 14. When _____ you born? A) did B) was C) were 15. He _____. hello to me but I don't know who he is. A) is saying B) sayed C) said 3. Fill in the correct word. 16. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown's Office? A You're welcome. 17. Thank you very much. B Thank you. 18. What does it look like? C Yes. What can I do for you? 19. Here you are. D It's black with a silver handle 20. Do any of these look familiar? E Yes, the one in the corner is mine 4. Read the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space. I had e. g. a great day I 21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up at 8 o’clock and the sky was blue. I met Larry and George at the port 22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . nine and we left for Little Island. The Sea was calm and the trip only took 23) . . . . . . . . . . . . hour. When we arrived, we went 24). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and then we had a picnic on the beach. 25). . . . . . . . . . . . . the afternoon we went for a walk around the island. We found an empty house on the top of a hill. There were 26). . . . . . . . . . . . strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decide to leave the island but 27). . . . . . . . . . . . . the sea became very rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side. We 28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . afraid but it was also fun. It 29). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us two hours get back but we arrived safely. When I got home, mum was very 30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . but I told her that I had had a really great day 21 A get B woke C stood 26 A lots B a lot of C lot of 22 A at B on C in 27 A then B when C and 23 A the B a C an 28 A was B were C are 24 A swam B swimming C swim 29 A took B made C had 25 A On B At C In 30 A worrying B worry C worried 26. Напиши глаголы в Past Simple: Jump, open, help, work, cook, begin, do, clean, become, buy, read, watch, cut, get, visit, listen 27. Вставь пропущенные буквы: 1 st es ed 2 ise bl 3 b ed 4 e c t _ d 5 wo ie _ 28. Выбери правильный ответ: 1. Mickey Mouse is the most famous A. cartoon character B. department store C. American writer 2. Mickey Mouse was created by A. Joe Shuster B. Superman C. Walt Disney 3. Walt Disney was born in A. New Zealand B. the USA C. Russia ​

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