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4 ACTIVATE Follow the steps in the writing guide. OWRITING GUIDE A TASK Write a biography of a famous sports star. B THINK AND PLAN Find information about the person and make notes. 1 When and where was he / she born? 2 What does he / she look like? 3 When and how did he / she get involved sport? 4 When and how did he / she get a big break? 5 What happened after that? 6 What has happened since then? 7 How successful has the person been? 8 What are his / her plans for the future? C WRITE Paragraph 1: Personal information . . . was born in . . . Paragraph 2: Studies He / She studied . . . Paragraph 3: Success His/ Her big break came in . . . Paragraph 4: Recent career Since then, he/ she . . . D CHECK • order of adjectives • present perfect and past simple посчитайте

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