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Английский язык
Schwarz Markus

посчитайте Read about Emma's daily routine. On Mu pat is Enma. [m ten years dd and [m English I Ive with my famiy in Brighton in the sauth of Ergland Мy day usuay starts qute earty, I albаys get up at 7. 30 on eekdays, but at the weekends I sleep an hour and a half longer. When I get up, I go to the bathroom first. I wash my face to wake me up, brush my teeth and then I have a shower. AFter that I conb my hair and get dressed usually wмear casual cothes, mairty eans, shorts, T-shirts and trainers. I aheys have breakfast with my mum and my ttle brother, Tomy My dad pever has breakfast with us because he starts wark earty on weckdays I usualy have a boul of cornflakes with hot mik and toast with marmalade. Befare I go to schod, have to walk ar dog, Lea Tusually wallk to schodl because I don't ve very far. Classes start at 8. 30. | ike Maths best but Гm also good at Science and Englsh I have tao breaks, at 11 and at 1 oclock. eat a sandhich and dhink arange juce l also play uith my classmates in the playground School finishes at 3. 30 and my dad picks me up and we come back home by car. Then we have knch together. AFter knchl play with my brother fara uhie and then I do my homewark and study Twice a week I have a basketbal practice Ilove doirg sparts Before dirmer l sometines meet my friends or watch a TV quiz. I seldom plau coputer game, I simoly find them baring, We heve dmer at 7. 30 and I often set the table After drner I read a book ar surf the htemet for a while At 9301 go to the bathroom to have a shouer, brush my teeth and put on my nightdress. Before I go to sleep T'sten to music on my MP3 player because it makes me feel relaxed

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1)Emma is 10 years old

2)Brighton, in Ergland's cell,

3)Emma has a brother Tomi

4)Emma loves to wear T-shirts, shorts, T-shirts and sneakers.

5)Cornflakes, hot tea, and marmalade toast

6)Usually walking

7)Emma usually likes to play with her friends on the playground during breaks, or eat a sandwich.

8)Emma's class ends at 3:30

9)Emma goes to basketball practice twice a week.

10)After lunch, Emma usually reads a book, and spends some time on the Internet.

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