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2 Read the descriptions of some of the characters from the book. Then match the descriptions to the pictures. 1 He is a famous zoologist from Scotland. He's got a big head, a big body, and hairy hands. He's got deep grey eyes, and a big blue black beard, Many people say he is a liar, so now he hits anybody who asks him questions. I 2 She is beautiful with large soft eyes and long hair. She has a sweet smile and she wants to marry a famous man 3 He is a young and brave reporter with blond hair. He is in love with a beautiful young lady, and he wants to win the young lady's love by going on an adventure, 4 He is a tall, thin man with red hair. He is a famous traveller and sportsman, and is strong with light, blue eyes. 5 He is an old Scottish man with white hair. He's got a round, red face and a kind voice. He is the news editor of the Daily Gazette newspaper. 6 He is a tall, thin, grey, unsmiling man. He is a professor at a university and he wants to write a book. He doesn't believe that Professor Challenger found dinosaurs in South America,​

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