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Английский язык

НУЖНА ПОМОЩЬ С ТЕСТОМ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУPassiveVoice1. Write Passive sentences. Pay your attention to the tense. e. g. He opened the door. – The door was opened. 1. People eat bread every day. 2. I will do this work tomorrow. 3. Ben invited his friends to a concert last Saturday. 4. They read Pushkin’s poems with great interest. 5. The teacher has explained a new rule. 6. Irene had written the letter by 5 p. m. 7. They have left their children at home. 8. Mum is cooking dinner now. 9. Granny is washing the dishes at the moment. 2. Complete the sentences with by or with. 1. The car was bought …… our dad. 2. This soup is made …… fresh vegetables. 3. The text has been translated …… my classmates. 4. Mushrooms are cut …… a knife. 5. St Petersburg was founded …… Peter the Great. 3. Write two passive sentences for each of the following sentences. 1. Robby has given the children the new toys. 2. Mum brought us some apples. 3. Ann is sending Mary an email.

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