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Английский язык

b Comprehension check O Listen, and read the text again. Then match 1-7 with a-g and make sentences. 1 English is the first language of 2 There are three hundred and seventy-five million 3 There are three hundred and fifty 4 For thirty-six million Americans 5 Three quarters of a billion people 6 Seventy per cent of the world's scientists 7 About eighty-five per cent of emails a different languages in India. b learn English as a foreign language. four hundred and fifty million people. d are in English. e Spanish is their first language. f speakers of English as a second language. g can read texts in English. ding the main idea​

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good afternoon I got your u for u

yj unit is hosting unbelievable I

Go uyfoh gifg yjfir uuc ihcf ihiyc yof oug ujg

tuugsu iiviggijbu hgcduu jvhi uhvasy tuug


hikbb oknhg uncle Shu fsfhjyt I got you

fbxjho yes

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