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Английский язык

Task 1. Circle the correct form of the verb tense. 1. Formal trousers (is, are) required for this dinner party. 2. Her friend and mentor (is, are) one of her college professors. 3. On the other side of the street (are, is) a restaurant and a clothing store. 4. Three hours (are, is) not going to be enough time to travel that distance. 5. The professor, along with many of his students, (is, are) preparing for the end of the semester. 6. The criteria for passing the exam (are, is) becoming more difficult. 7. Algebra and geometry (is, are) the only math courses being offered this semester. ​

ответы: 1
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1. Formal trousers are required for this dinner party.

2. Her friend and mentor is one of her college professors.

3. On the other side of the street is a restaurant and a clothing store.

4. Three hours are not going to be enough time to travel that distance.

5. The professor, along with many of his students, is preparing for the end of the semester.

6. The criteria for passing the exam is becoming more difficult.

7. Algebra and geometry are the only math courses being offered this semester. ​

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