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B2 Health and Medicine TOP004 Complete the sentences using a word from the box for each blank. ALLEVIATE - ANTIBIOTICS - BLOOD - BREAKDOWN - CARE-CONSCIOUSNESS - CURE DISCHARGED - FLU - ILLNESSES - INFECTIOUS - MIGRAINE - PERFORM - PRESCRIPTION - RECOVERY - RESPOND - RUNNY - THROUGH - UPSET - WEAR 1. The Red Cross has urged the population to give_blood whenever possible 2. Dr Jones was the best surgeon able to such a difficult operation. 3. If you're on ordinates you shouldn't drink any alcohol. 4. Take aspirin three times a day. It will help 5. After being treated for over three weeks, he was from hospital yesterday. 6. Doctors in developing countries often don't have enough supplies to treat severe the pain. yet, so we'll have to wait and see what 7. The patient hasn't regained happens next. ​

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