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Card 4 - «Charities and Conflict» 1. What do you think are some important charities people should give to? 2. Do you think people should give money to homeless people? 3. Should rich people and corporations be forced to give charity? 4. What benefits can you get by volunteering?​

ответы: 1
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:1)In my opinion,charity is more necessary for homeless children. They can get an example,thus in the future they will help those in need.

3)I think it's better to give time. Money does not mean anything in a person's life,it comes and goes,but time cannot be returned. We must save our time and spend so that we would not be disappointed in the future.

2)I think that it would be more correct to distribute money to the homeless. Because everyone deserves a second chance. They can understand their perfect mistake and change.

4)In order for the country to develop, it is necessary to help those who need it. Because sending to another country is pointless. If people do not receive help and do not develop in their country, then the country itself will remain undeveloped.

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