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посчитайте с английским НУЖНОExercise 3 out of 3Сообщить об ошибкеComplete the task. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs below. There are two extra verbs. Don't use contractions. Write 1–3 words in each gap. to do, to invite, to study, to bring, to have, to promise, to surf, to wait1. Tim was angry; he___for us since seven o'clock We apologised and then___not to be late again. 2. I___the net in my room when I heard the cat meowing loudly. I didn't need to feed the cat because I___it ten minutes before. 3. We saw David and said hello to him. We___him to go to the cinema with us, but he was too tired because he___for the test all day long.

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