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Английский язык

F. дополните каждое второе предложение таким образом, чтобы по смыслу оно совпадало с первым предложением. Используйте не более двух слов. 1 I think I've gained weight in the last few months I think I've weight in the last few months. 2 This milk isn't fresh any more. This milk off. 3 I hope James recovers from his illness soon. I hope James over his illness soon. 4 You should eat less chocolate You should on the amount of chocolate you eat 5 If you're tired, have a rest on the sofa for half an hour. If you're tired, down on the sofa for half an hour.

ответы: 1
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1. I think John has taken my jacket.

I think my jacket has been taken by John.

2. You should cook the chicken for at least an hour.

The chicken should be cooked for at least an hour.

3. They're showing that film at the cinema in town.

That film is being shown at the cinema in town.

4. They hadn't invented digital cameras when we took that photo.

Digital cameras hadn't been invented when that photo was taken.

5. When I got there, Carly was doing the ironing, so I didn't have to do it!

When I got there, the ironing was being done by Carly, so I didn't have to do it!

6. They were using hot soapy water to wash all the cars.

All the cars were being washed with hot soapy water.

Christopher Gonzales
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