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Английский язык

2 Read the writing task and make notes to answer the questions below. You have just seen the following announcement in a young people's magazine. Write your article. 1 Where was the talent contest (school, youth club, on TV)?2 When (last year, last week)?3 What did you do (sing, dance, tell jokes)?4 How did you feel (before, during, after)?5 Was it a success? (Did people laugh, clap, etc?)6 Did you win? (If yes, what was the prize?)2 задание посчитайте иначе мне хана

ответы: 1
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1. Talent contest was at school. My classmates moved all desks and chairs out of classroom to make it more comfortable for competitors.

2. It was two years ago in spring.

3. We drew and painted pictures. We had to bring brushes and paints with ourselves.

4. Before I started I felt a bit nervous until my friend cheered me. During competition I felt myself more confident. After I was proud of my results.

5. People were staring at my artworks. I didn't know that arts were stunning.

6. Unfortunately, no. But I was in golden trio and took third place.

P. S. На фотке не было текста, поэтому своими словами написала.

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