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1. Sue’s party is …4 o’clock …Friday. a. at, on b. on, in c. in, at2. We didn’t lose the keys, …a. didn’t we b. did they c. did we3. You drive very … . a. slow b. slowly4. …do you visit Ann? Every Sunday. a. Where b. How c. How often5. Look at them Children … in the lake. a. dive b. is diving c. are diving6. Peter … his driving test next Sunday. a. pass b. will pass c. will passing7. Children … inform their parents about their arrival. a. are going to b. am going to c. isn’t going8. Mark is as … as Greg. a. taller b. tall c. tallest9. A rabbit is … than a lion. a. more small b. the smallest c. smaller10. These are … pencils. a. of Ann’s b. Anns’ c. Ann’s11. There are so … birds in the sky a. much b. a lot of c. many12. Has … seen this?a. somebody b. anybody c. nobody13. Do you have…English books?a. some b. any c. anything14. As a rule, … have got … in their bags. a. ladys, brushes b. ladies, brushs c. ladies, brushes15. There is … Coke in the bottle. Do you want some?a. little b. a little c. a few16. I want … melon and … grapes. a. these, that b. that, those c. this, these17. They bought …hood and …iron. a. this, these b. that, those c. this, that 18. Is this … coat? No, it isn’t … . a. your, mine b. yours, mine c. your, my19. That book is not…. It is …a. her, mine b. hers, mine c. her, my20. She presented me headphones…. are cute a. It b. He c. They

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