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Writing A story1 Look at the picture and read the story. Who is the man in the picture and what is he doing?UNIT4UNIT55STORY OF THE WEEKSHAREBUKECOMMENTSwerIn last week's competition, you wrote stories about something strange orunusual that happened to you. Here is the best One day last summer, Mickey was driving slowly along a quiet road in the USA whenhe saw a car next to the road. A man was trying to change a wheel. Mickey stoppedhis car and helped the man. While they were changing the wheel, they talked abouttheir families. Then, the man asked Mickey for his address. At first, Mickey said no,but the man asked him again and again, so finally, Mickey gave him his address. One week later, Mickey got a letter. Dear MickeyThanks for your help. I know a lot about computers but nothing about cars Bill Gates. In the letter was a cheque for $10,000. Stacey, 14.

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