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1)To determine the total acidity of gastric juice, 5 ml of juice was titrated with an alkali solution with aconcentration of 0. 095 mol/l in the presence of phenolphthalein. 2. 5 ml of the alkali solution was usedfor the reaction. Calculate the acidity of the analyzed juice in mol/l. 2)Calculate the weight of the KMPO4 sample required for the preparation of: a) 1 liter of KMnO4 solutionwith a molar concentration equivalent to 0. 1 mol/l, b) 0. 5 liters of KMPO4 solution with a molarconcentration equivalent to 0. 05 mol/l for permanganatometric titration. M(KMnO4)=64+39+55=158m(x)= ( C(1/2 x)*M(x)*V)/ z3)To calculate molar concentration, molar concentration of equivalent titer of H2SO4 by mass fraction(30%) and density (1. 22 g/cm8). ​

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