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1******** Read the text and for question1-5. choose the correct answer Acor DXFrom the text, we can informat the resA would not be used by trene peerdereB means a person who acts as rude mannewas coined by researchers study no bedDDUA developed sdon over many years5 decreased on UCHSc began as a chi3m paragrape we learnt AbA8 was not bought as a pet. Clived an Dus way too sme for a partas not bouwd. Compared to other parrets. Alex spoke Engkahwith a better pronunciationB using a wider vocabularyusing grammatcal strueturass According to Pepcorderg, food rewards whentraining a birdA so not motnato a bird to learn. B make ine learning or complex tasksimpossibleclow down the teaming process. OOD​

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