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Английский язык

посчитайте ПЖЖЖЖЖЖЖ Task 2 (30 points). Complete these sentences with a question tag. 1. It's a beautiful day,___? 2. Kira doesn't eat meat,___? 3. Sarah lives in Cairo,___? 4. You won't be late,____? 5. You closed the window,___? 6. You haven't met my sister,___? 7. Those jeans are nice,___? 8. You don't smoke,___? 9. That isn't your house,____? 10. Gerald will be at home,___? 11. Anna is cleaning out the lake,____? 12. Andrew has passed the exam,_____? 13. Your mum can speak two languages,____? 14. Sarah is collecting rubbish,____? 15. These pupils study at the elementary school,____?​

ответы: 1
Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы добавить ответ
1. isn’t it?
2. does she?
3. is she?
4. will you?
5. did you?
6. have you?
7. aren’t they?
8. do you?
9. is that?
10. won’t he?
11. isn’t she?
12. hasn’t she?
13. can’t she?
14. isn’t she?
15. aren’t they?
Чтобы ответить необходимо зарегистрироваться.

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