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I can do this very well. READING Youth travel3 Complete the text with the phrases in the boxon holiday off to on my ownoff the beaten trackin search ofon the rise by the age ofMy Summer of Travel tinBefore I start university in September, I amplanning to travel across Europe. I am goingbecause I want to meetas many new people as possible. Youth travelto travelorsol am sure to meet2is definitelyasome interesting young people,. tond,justI would also really like to getdiscover some small villages and meet thepeople there. I really don't want to feel like I'm- with my parents twenty, I think everyone should have felt whatit is really like to be independent. I'man experience that will help me feelconfident on my own so that I am ready for lifeat universityGreece for the start of myjourney on Monday - wish me luck 6EctI'm?it​

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