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Английский язык

2. Underline the correct item. 1 The bear ran off/went off before I could take a photograph. 2 They were surprised/surprising to hear they won the prize. 3 That athlete attended/broke the world record once again. 4 The meat smells horrible. It has gone off/on. 5 James brave/bravely fought the lion. 6. It can be difficult to come on/up with new ideas. 7. What does the weather article/report say?8. I like the fashion and beauty advice/strips in this magazine. 9. Sally loves watching the Sports Channel as it is very exciting/excited. 10. Fashion magazines are attractive/popular to teenagers.

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1 ran off

2 surprising

3 broke

4 off

5 bravely

6 up

7 report ( не точно)

8 advice

9 exciting

10 attractive

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