Task 3. Past tenses revision. Use the verbs in the proper past tenses. 1 Last year Tom and Fiona (decide)_______________ to buy a house. They (save)_______________ for ages and by the end of May they (putup)_______________ enough for the deposit on a house. They (live)_______________ in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona (insist)________________ that she (want)_______________ a house with a big garden. They (search)_______________ for only a few days when they (find)________________ exactly what they (look for)________________. Unfortunately, when they (look)______________ more closely at the interior, they (see)_______________ that whoever (live)________________ there before, (make)_______________ an absolute mess of the walls and the floors. Still, Fiona (manage)________________ to convince Tom that despite all that, the house (be)______________ the perfect home for them. 2 Last summer some of my friends and I (arrange)_____________ to go camping. We (look)_______________forward to going for weeks when finally the date of departure (arrive)_______________. We (load)______________ the car with our luggage and (set off)_______________ early in the morning. Shortly, afterwards, while we (travel)_______________ along the motorway, we (notice)______________ that the car (make) a strange sound. Pete, who (drive)________________ very fast, suddenly (stop)_______________ the car. To our surprise the boot was wide open – whoever (load)_______________ the luggage (not/close)________________ it properly, and everything (fall out)_______________ 3 In 1894 a steamship (sail)_______________ across the Atlantic Ocean from England to America. The sun (shine)_______________ and a light breeze (blow)_______________. The ship (sail)_______________ for three weeks and (be)_______________ halfway to its destination – New York. The passengers (relax)_______________ on deck when suddenly they (hear)_______________ a loud bang. They all (jump)_______________ up, (run)_______________ to the edge of the boat and (look)_______________ over the side. To their terror they (see)_______________ that they (hit)_______________ some hard object which (tear)_______________ a hole in the side of the ship. Water (pour)_______________ into the steamship at an alarming speed. Fortunately another ship (arrive)_______________ half an hour later. The ship (sink)_______________ but the passengers and the crew (be)_______________ safe. 4 James (sit)_______________ outside the office for an hour already waiting for the interview. He (feel)_______________ so nervous that he (not/know)_______________ what to do with himself. The problem (be)_______________ that he (want)_______________ this job so much. It (mean)_______________ everything to him. He (think)_______________ about it such a lot before the day of the interview. He (imagine)_______________ himself behaving brilliantly at the interview but now he couldn’t remember all those things he (plan)_______________ to say. His arms (tremble)_______________, his forehead (sweat)_______________ and his mouth (feel)_______________ dry. At that moment, he almost (decide)______________ to get up and leave. But hardly he (rise)_______________ to his feet when the door of the office (open)_______________ and the woman who (go in)_______________ an hour earlier (come out)_____ looking very pleased with herself. She (smile)_______________ at James. 5 If it (not/be)_______________ by Louis, Joan never (survive)_______________ her trip to Paris last month. She (not/meet)_______________ him before but certainly (be)_______________ glad that they (become)_______________ friends by the end of her stay. The first thing that (happen)_______________ was that the hotel she (plan)_______________ to stay (not/receive)_______________ her booking, so they (have)_______________ no room for her. Then, as she (try)_______________ to get a taxi to take her to another hotel, someone on a motorbike (snatch)_______________ her bag with all her tickets and credit cards in it. As her French (be)_______________ quite rusty, she (not/know)_______________ how to explain what (happen)_______________. Nobody (be able)_______________ to help her until Louis (approach)_______________ her and (introduce)_______________ himself.