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hook up

Task 2. Read the text about Nizar's hometown. Hi, everyone My name is Nizar. I live in a small town of Tunisia - Nabeul - where the weather is nice. It is always warm and almost never rains in summer. I love my town because it's so beautiful Unfortunately, we don't have great mountains or endless steppes here. But my favourite place is a fantastic beach by the sea in our town. It is called “The Pearl”. Sometimes we go to surf there. There are very unusual means of transport like the noddy train, and cabs, and tuk-tuk taxies. My town is fantastic and I think that it's the most beautiful one in the world. Circle the 3 things Nizar writes about his Motherland. A) Rainy weather B) Water activities C) Great mountains D) Attractions E) Tasty meals F) Unusual vehicles [3] Complete the sentences below, following the sentence structure: 4. Nizar likes Nabeul because he can go to the in summer time. 5. There are practically no [2]​

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1 задание: В; D; F.

2 задание: Nizar likes Nabeul because he can go to the in summer time the beach and surf.

3. There are practically no mountains, steppes, and rain.

Всё верно.

Forsberg Robert
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