Выберите правильный вариант. 1. We often meet …. a) they b) their c) them d) themselves2. Do you know… and his sister?a) she b) him c) he d) his3. Dear guests, help… . a) themselves b) yourself c) his d) yourselves4. … brother is a businessman. a) her b) hers c) he d) she5. … information is top secret. a) these b) those c ) this d) it6. Travelling by bus is … than by car. a) cheaper b) cheapest c) more cheaper d) the cheapest 7. Polly is not so … as her brother. a) tall b) taller c) the tallest d) more tall8. Mike is … in his family. a) the most young b) the youngest c) younger d) more young9. Next year we … a house. a) build b) shall build c) have built d) built10. He seldom … letters. a) write b) writes c) have written d) shall write11. We’re good friends. We … each other for a long time. a) know d) knew c) have known d) had known12. Last week he … a new record. a) set b) is setting c) has set d) will set13. I … four languages. a) am speaking b) speaks c) speak d) shall be speaking 14. Such equipment … in special shops. a) sells b) is sold c) sold d) sell15. I … by this news. a) was surprised b) surprise c) surprised d) have surprised16. Doctors … this medicine widely. a) are used b) is used c) use d) are being used17. The new strategy … by the lawyer. a) was suggested b) suggested c) have suggested d) is suggesting 18. No one … that problem yet. a) solves b) was solving c) was solved d) has solved19. This novel … . a) last year was a bestseller b) was last year a bestseller c) was a bestseller last year d) a bestseller last year was 20. Jessica … . a) elegant looks in the new suit. b) looks elegant in the new suit. c) looks in the new elegant suit. d) in the new suit looks elegant. 21. Columbus discovered America in 1492. a) Does Columbus discover America in 1492?b) Did Columbus discover America in 1492?c) Did Columbus discovered America in 1492?d) Do Columbus discover America in 1492?22. Steve writes a letter to his parents every week. a) Who does Steve write a letter to? b) Who does Steve write a letter every week?c) Who does write a letter every week?d) Who writes Steve a letter to every week?23. Greta made her report last week. a) Greta made her report last week, wasn’t she?b) Greta made her report last week, did she?c) Greta made her report last week, didn’t she?d) Greta made her report last week, didn’t Greta?24. They want … that book to him. a) to be presented b) to present c) present d) be presented25. The book … is interesting. a) to be read b) be read c) to read d) have read26. Let’s … a taxi. a) to take b) took c) taken d) take27. Simon seemed to see and hear nothing. a) Саймону казалось, что он ничего не видит и не слышит. b) Саймон, казалось, ничего не видит и не слышит. c) Саймону кажется, что он ничего не видит и не слышит. d) Саймон, кажется, ничего не видит и не слышит. 28. I heard Mr. Brown congratulate Jane on her birthday. a) Я слышу, как господин Браун поздравляет Джейн с днем рождения. b) Господин Браун слышал, как я поздравил Джейн с днем рождения. c) Господин Браун слышит, как я поздравляю Джейн с днем рождения. d) Я слышал, как господин Браун поздравил Джейн с днем рождения. 29. He … to have graduated from the University. a) is said b) are said c) said d) says30. The bus … when we got to the bus stop, so we had to walk. a) left b) had left c) has left d) leaves